Saturday 25 July 2015

Gold medal at RHS Tatton Park Flower Show

The OSGB teamed up with the North of England Orchid Society (NEOS) and the Sultanate of Oman Ministry of Tourism to stage a Gold medal-winning display at RHS Tatton Park Flower Show this week.

The OSGB and NEOS display at RHS Tatton Park Flower Show 

The Sultanate of Oman Ministry of Tourism generously supported the exhibit with sponsorship and the display was organised by NEOS, revisiting the OSGB's Chelsea 2014 exhibit titled The Cosmopolitan World of Orchids.

The joint exhibit was sponsored by the Sultanate of Oman Ministry of Tourism

The NEOS team was led by Chris Burrows who got everything to site and even trialled the display in his barn to ensure final building went without a hitch. Val Micklewright and Sam Hurley from the OSGB helped to provide accurate labelling and place plants to maximum effect. Full marks from the judges made all the preparations worthwhile.

Sam Hurley, Chris Burrows and Val Micklewright helped create the display

Many thanks to everyone from the OSGB and NEOS who lent their plants, time and enthusiasm for this collaborative effort. NEOS is the oldest orchid society in the UK and was founded in 1897.  It is affiliated to the OSGB and holds meetings and shows in the north west of England.  For more information about NEOS please visit

A large-scale image of Eulophia guineensis, a native of the Sultanate of Oman, graced the rear wall and was framed by orchid hybrids including Paphiopedilum Clair de Lune, trees of Phalaenopsis, mountains of Miltonia along with cliffs of Cattleya and Anguloa

Eulophia guineensis is native to the Sultanate of Oman - a large-scale image of it graced the centre of the display

Bright pink Cattliante Secret Love contrasted with zingy yellow Anguloa clowesii and  Oncidesa Sweet Sugar

Unusual species were also featured on the display, such as the icy blue-coloured Cleisocentron merrillianum. And a row of Disa hybrids and species added a vibrant border to the front of the display. 

Ice-blue Cleisocentron merrillianum  and deep purple Zygopetalum hybrids

A row of Disa hybrids and species created a vibrant border along the front of the display 

Tatton Park, with its mansion, gardens, lakes and roaming deer, is a wonderful venue and well worth a visit at any time of year.  For more details visit:

Young deer in  the 1,000 acre deer park at Tatton Park