Sunday 8 July 2018

Roy White (updated)

Late Roy White

 Announcement: Roy White passed away peacefully at his home on the 2nd of July, while sitting in his favourite armchair. At this year’s Annual General Meeting he had been given a Life Membership to the OSGB in recognition of the dedicated time and effort he had given to the Society. Records do not go back far enough to find when Roy first joined the society, but when he re-joined in 2003 he took over the role of the Society’s Display Manager from David Thurtle after the European Orchid Conference in London in 2003. He led the OSGB Chelsea Flower show team for many years, gaining Gold and Silver Gilt medals with his trademark naturalistic cave and river exhibits here and at the London Orchid Show, Newbury, Malvern, Petersfield, and in Germany and Italy for the European Orchid Conference. He served on the Management Committee with several periods as Chairman, retiring in 2017. He was a friend to us all and he will be missed.

Henry Oakeley

Update: Funeral will be Thursday 26th July. E-mail stuart @ meeson .com for further details

Thursday 5 July 2018

07 July 2018

Prof Harold Koopowitz, USA - Miniature Paphiopedilum

 13:30 Doors open

 14:30 Speaker: Prof Harold Koopowitz - Miniature Paphiopedilum 

For a full biography of our speaker see Henry Oakeley's article in the latest OSGBJ (67(2) pp99)

Lecture topic will be 'Breeding the New Miniature Slipper Orchids'