Monday 18 April 2016

OSGB members safe in Ecuador

One of the members on the OSGB tour to Ecuador has been in touch to say that they are all fine (but they might possibly have problems with their departure from Guayaquil). The society will post any further updates asap ...

Sunday 17 April 2016

News from Ecuador?

We are thinking of our members who are on a trip to Ecuador and hoping they are all safe and well.  

If anyone hears from them pleasecontact the Society's Secretary, Val Micklewright (tel: 01293 528615 or e-mail: who can pass on the information to concerned family and friends.

Sunday 10 April 2016

Celebrating John Dominy, 7 and 8 May 2016

Calanthe Dominyi
(photo by Henry Oakeley)
The life and accomplishments of orchidist and horticulturist John Dominy (1816–1891) will be celebrated in his birthplace, Gittisham in Devon, on Saturday 7 and Sunday 8 May. This will mark the 200th anniversary of his birth and honour the first successful flowering of an orchid hybrid, Calanthe Dominyi. John Lindley, who was the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Horticultural Society and Chair of Botany at University College London, named the orchid in John Dominy’s honour.

The commemoration will include displays and presentations of John Dominy’s horticultural work and life, and information concerning the extended Dominy family. The Devon Orchid Society will sponsor an orchid display and Honiton Hospice will provide refreshments. Self-guided walking and driving tour information of Gittisham and its environs, including John Dominy’s birthplace, school and St Michael’s Church, will be available as well as information about his work and family life in Exeter and Chelsea with the Veitch Nurseries.

Orchid, exotic plant and garden enthusiasts as well as members of the Dominy family are welcome to attend the event at the Gittisham Village Hall, near Honiton, Devon,10:00–16:00, on 7 May to learn about this man and the remarkable and botanically rich time in which he lived and worked. A commemorative church service is scheduled for Sunday 8 May at 11:00 at St Michael’s Church, Gittisham, followed by a visit to his burial place in Exeter Higher Cemetery. For additional information, please contact Ron Hutchinson, tel: 07970 497367, e-mail: